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South for Winter in C minor (2001) 


One of the most inspired instrumentals I ever wrote wasn't for a client or a purpose, it was just for me.  I was at the beach near sunset and a huge group of shore birds passed in loose formation overhead. This was an incredible sight because flock lasted probably five minutes and darkened the sky with their numbers at times.  While lying on the sand amazed, consumed by the size and beauty of it, I began to notice details.  Sometimes the wings would flap in time, other times exactly the opposite.  There were moments when the flock was so thick you could barely see the sky and then the wave would recede and only a spartan few would continue the formation.  Every once and a while a little local bird would fly against the flock at an odd angle or complain in the tide pools.  It was a unique experience so I immediately went back and wrote South for Winter in C minor on the piano to preserve it.  This soundscape later began an hour long ambient/new age CD that was never properly released save a few promo copies.


The album, ELEMENTS was based on the four natural sources of water, air, earth and fire.  There is a plan to officially release this recording in late 2019 on Spotify & iTunes, but an augmented version is available below.

'SOUTH FOR WINTER'  (2001)  4:18
'ELEMENTS' (2002) Full CD Version 1:01:24
Short Version
CD Version

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Scott started out as a recording artist, at first

with different local musicians and later with several London based bands.  As songwriting

became a central focus, so did learning the art of recording and producing.  In the studio, each song became a new canvas and his production focused on the accompaniment regardless of style, instrumentation or cost. Eventually the composer found writing instrumentals a better fit so we are left with Radio Silence (1991) as his only international pop music release.


Year     Title                                                         Label                     Role


1989       The Influence – The Influence              Sound Solutions     Songwriter, vocals & keys

              (Alternative rock & pop music)

1991       Radio Silence – Scott Pearson             Bonton Records    Writer, performer, producer

              (Mainstream 80s pop music)

1994       Aphrodisia – Scott Pearson                  Sinclair SBG        Writer, performer, producer

              (Mostly jazz & chill instrumentals)

2001       Euphoria – Scott Pearson                     Sinclair SBG        Writer, performer, producer  

              (New age ambient soundscapes)

2002       Indulgence – Scott Pearson  .              Sinclair  SBG       Writer, performer, producer   

              (Chill, ambient & world music) 

2003       Surrender -- Scott Pearson                   Sinclair  SBG       Writer, performer, producer  

              (Jazz & synth chill w/vocal elements) 

2004       Unities: Musical Inspirations of the       Real World          Writer, performer, producer                Kama Sutra – Scott Pearson                  Publishing

              (Western influenced Indian music)                                      

2005       Seduction –with Kevin Wing                 Sinclair SBG        Writer & co-producer

              (Hard rock oriented instrumentals)

2005       Journeys – with Stephen Sherrard        Sinclair SBG        Writer & co-producer

              (Fresh lounge & jazz instrumentals)





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Jeffrey Scott Pearson, ASCAP

c/o Influence Music International

Utrecht, Netherlands

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© 2021 by Jeffrey Scott Pearson & Influence Music International, ASCAP

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